Davicom announces the End-Of-Sale of its DV-200 units due to the limited availability of key electronic components.
Beginning on January 1st 2022, Davicom will no longer be accepting orders for delivery of the Davicom DV-Micro, DV-Mini, DV-208 and DV-216 (DV-200) products.
Davicom will continue to provide support & repair services for existing DV-200 products for as long as its parts inventory allows. We will also continue to support the embedded firmware of these units with updates until December 31st 2024, or for as long as is reasonably possible. No new functionality will be added however.
Following this End-Of-Sale Notice, for any future expansion of their networks, customers are encouraged to migrate to the Davicom Cortex family of products which offers superior performance, additional functionality and increased memory capacity all at a similar or even lower price. In addition, Davicom Cortex & DV-200 SNMP MIB files are compatible as are the DavNet & DavLink software packages. A network of Davicom MACs, DV-200’s and Davicom Cortex units can therefore all be tied together thanks to the DavNet software. A DV-200 to Davicom Cortex wiring interface adapter is available and the family of MEXM expansion modules remains the preferred means of expanding GPIO counts.
Many first generation Davicom units are still humming along after more than 20 years in the field, and our 2nd generation of products can be expected to perform just as well. So if your current setup isn’t broken, there is no obligation to fix it!
However, for customers wishing to modernize their fleet, an advantageous trade-in /swap-out program is available for DV-Micro, DV-Mini, DV-208 and DV-216 units. Rebates of up to $1200 are possible on the purchase of Davicom Cortex 320 or 360 units between January 1st and June 30th, 2022. To be eligible for these trade-in rebates, operational DV-200 units having manufacturing dates after January 1st 2011 must be returned to the factory once the new Davicom Cortex unit is received. A rebate check will then be sent to the customer.
The Davicom DV-200 family of products has been extremely successful in delivering superior value and performance to broadcasters and telecom site operators for their remote site management needs since 2007. This near-15 year product lifespan is a testimony to the innovative design, flexibility and advanced functionalities like SNMP & MODBUS that were added to the units (at no cost to the end-user) over the years. In the present age of planned obsolescence and throw-away designs, not many companies can say that they have been manufacturing a product that has remained leading-edge for close to 15 years!
For more details call +1-877-282-3380 or contact us at www.davicom.com/contact