Power Line Frequency Sensor

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The Line Frequency Sensor provides an analog output which is proportional to the frequency of the input source. It is normally used to monitor power-line frequency variations in Alternating Current (AC) Systems.

SKU: LFS Category:


LFS-1 is our 55 – 65 Hz Line Frequency Sensor to monitor power-line frequency variations in 60Hz Alternating Current (AC) Systems (95 TO 135 VAC)

LFS-2 is our 45 – 55 Hz Line Frequency Sensor.

The Line Frequency Sensor provides an analog output which is proportional to the frequency of the input source. It is normally used to monitor power-line frequency variations in Alternating Current (AC) Systems.

For readings in Hz, enter the ABC coefficients given below:

LFS-1 DV-208/216, DV-Mini, DV-Micro: A=0; B=2; C=55;
LFS-2 DV-208/216, DV-Mini, DV-Micro: A=0; B=2; C=45;

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

60Hz (95 TO 135 VAC), 50Hz (190 T0 270 VAC)